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Exciting Archaeology Dig!

Exciting Archaeology Dig!

\We were so happy to help with the Soap Suds Row Excavation Dig at Old Fort Meade last week.  This once-in-lifetime experience was conducted to uncover more information about the hired laundresses that were responsible for cleaning/mending soldiers’ uniforms.

We helped dig and sift through soil above a house location and an area that is believed to be the privy and cooking area for the soap.  Archaeologists and area historians are hoping to continue to uncover more information on these women that were here beginning in 1878.  

Just some of the artifacts found included shoes, bones, pottery, bottles, nails, glass, and so much more that will hopefully be the beginning of uncovering much needed information on who these women and children were that were living here in the late 19th century. 



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